Terms and Conditions

Gay Wedding Show Rules, Regulations and Information


The Show shall mean The Gay Wedding Show, the Designer Civil Partnership Show and The Gay Wedding Show Roadshow.
Organiser(s) shall mean any members of the team from uDEZIGNit Limited, Pink Approved, Pink Weddings and the Gay Wedding Show or authorised personnel.
Exhibitor and Sponsor shall mean an Individual, Organisation or Business that attends or promotes a service or product at a Show, offline, online or via social media.

Acceptance of our Terms and Conditions

By making a payment, supplying a purchase order, promoting with us or attending a Show as an Exhibitor or Sponsor means these Terms and Conditions have been accepted by the Exhibitor or Sponsor.


Payment in full is required before you can be booked into the Show.
If the Exhibitor wishes to pay in any currency other than GBP (£) – all currency conversion, transfer and banking fees must be paid by the Exhibitor.

BACS Payment Reference:
Please use your company name or the invoice number as the reference to enable identification of the payment.

We do not accept payment by cheque or cards.

Booking Requests

Making a booking request does not guarantee acceptance for the Exhibitor to attend. All booking requests must be received no later than two weeks prior to the show. Booking requests will be processed in the order they are received and will only be processed if full payment accompanies the application unless other arrangements have been made with The Show. An invoice will be sent to approved Exhibitors.

Set up

It is the responsibility of each Exhibitor to have their exhibit set up at least 30 minutes prior to the opening of the show with all unused items placed under table or hidden from view. The usual show operational time is 12pm-3.00pm. Exhibitor must not begin dismantling before the official closing time. Exhibitors are required to staff their stand during the operational hours of the event unless prior arrangements have been made. Set up is from 9am on the day of The Show and should be completed by 11.30am and Exhibitor staff present by 11.45am before doors open to visitors.


The Show has a vibrant and exciting atmosphere to the day and may include live singers, drag acts and entertainers. On occasion throughout the day the music will be turned up to incorporate these acts. This is part of the show and format. The organisers retain the right to set all the audible volume levels on the day.


All space for the exhibit is allocated by the event organisers. Final stand placement is at the discretion of the event organisers. Exhibitors must not obstruct aisles, common areas, or neutral space between table or exhibits with his/her goods, signage, banners or in any other manner. All aisles must be kept clear within the boundaries set up by the organisers and adhering to the venue or function room’s health and safety regulations. All exhibits must conform to the space requirements of the event organisers. Exhibition stands, banners or signage are not permitted to go in front of trestle tables unless agreed in advance with the organisers. Extra charges may apply.

Allocation of Position, Tables and Chairs

Each Exhibitor will be provided with an appropriately sized table (as decided by the organisers), a table cloth and two chairs. These are the standard space conditions unless other prior arrangements are made based on specific requirements and agreed with The Show.

We will try on a best endeavour basis to place all exhibitors in appropriate spaces; however, due to the nature of the event, there may be some last minute changes.
Boundaries of stand space will be indicated and in no circumstances will Exhibitors be permitted to occupy a larger space than that allocated to them.


Please bring suitable mains extension leads if you need regular UK mains electricity. Please use the booking form to inform us of power requirements. Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring compliance with the Venue’s policies and should contact the Venue to check any specific requirements.


Exhibitor shall not reassign or sublet space without the prior written consent of the event organisers. If any sub-letting is reported or deemed entirely at the Organiser’s discretion to occur, the exhibitor may be removed from the Show without a refund or may be charged by the Show for the additional space.

Prohibited Materials

No flammable, toxic or otherwise hazardous materials are to be used at The Show. Smoking is not permitted inside the venue or any connecting space including in front of or near any designated show entrances. No fuel or bottled gas shall be permitted for use in connection with the show unless agreed with the event organisers prior to the day. No cooking on the day is permitted.


Exhibitors may demonstrate products and services, solicit orders, sell items and distribute advertising material only from their assigned exhibit space and only for products and services which are provided in the exhibitor’s normal operation of business and specified in their booking request. Exhibitors selling products and/or offering food or beverage are entirely responsible for having knowledge of and being in compliance with all laws and regulations including but not limited to licensing, tax, health and safety, fire prevention, public safety and copyright.
Exhibitors must agree not to show discrimination to any individual or group on the basis of sexual orientation, gender, race, ethnicity, disability, political or familial affiliation, or any other reason. Undignified methods of attracting attention including but not limited to loudspeakers, flashing lights or anything deemed unacceptable by The Organisers shall not be permitted. The Show reserves the right to remove any materials or persons with loss of all fees, if determined to be breaking the vending clause in any way.

Venue Exhibitors

All venues exhibiting must not use a drink/chocolate fountain, beverage, food or entertainment of any kind to help promote their brand without the advance written permission of the Organisers.

Promotions and Give-aways

All Exhibitors must obtain confirmation in advance from the Organisers for promotions including but not limited to, beverage, food (no live cooking), music, giveaways.

Health and Safety

Exhibitors must ensure that they take responsibility for their own health and safety and make sure that their stand will not cause danger to any persons or property. Exhibitors
On arrival at your stand please take notice of your nearest fire exists. In the event of an emergency an announcement will be made, please listen carefully and follow instructions. NO re-admittance on site will be allowed without the permission from the attending emergency services.

Sponsorship and Show Bag insertion

The Sponsor or Exhibitor agrees to produce, supply and make suitable arrangements for all promotional materials as agreed with the Organisers for each Show. The Organisers cannot return or transport to Shows any unused inserts on behalf of Sponsors or Exhibitors.


The Organisers and Show reserve the right to make necessary changes to this agreement from time to time without notice.

Access to venue and exhibition area

It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to check they will have appropriate access to the exhibition area. Exhibitors should contact the venue directly should there be any questions concerning an exhibitor’s heavy, unusual or large item.
Exhibitors are liable for any fees, fines or costs associated with loading, unloading and parking.

External  exhibition areas

If a Venue permits use of any external space for Exhibitors, it is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to ensure all permits, permissions, fees and specific arrangements are made directly with the Venue prior to the Show.

Exhibitor Cancellation

Cancellation requests must be received in writing by email with the name of your company in the subject header.
Cancellation requests received three months prior to the show date will receive a 20% refund. Cancellation requests received less than three months prior to the show will not receive a refund.
Administration fees, deposits and promotions will not be refunded.

Show Cancellation

If any of the Organisers should be prevented from holding the Show by any cause beyond its control, including but not limited to public unrest, public health concerns, epidemic, pandemic, transport failures, weather, act of god, or if the Show cannot permit the exhibitor to occupy their space due to causes beyond its control; the organisers reserves the right to alter the Show location and/or date of the Show at its sole discretion and to provide notice of such to exhibitors. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel the show with no other liability whatsoever.


The exhibitor agrees to indemnify and protect the organisers; its employees and agents from any and all claims, accruing or resulting from any damage, injury or loss to any persons or property.

As an event open to the public, all reasonable precautions are made to ensure the safety and well being of all attendants to the Gay Wedding Show, both Visitors and Exhibitors. However, should an accident occur, the Organisers are not responsible for the security of any person or property, including for any loss, damage or theft of exhibits. We would ask that all Exhibitors to ensure that they have their own adequate Public Liability Insurance to cover all liabilities and/or risks.

Non-Compliance with Regulations

The Organisers and hosting venue have the power to order the removal of any article from the Show area and close or remove the stand of any Exhibitor that does not conform to the show’s regulations or the directions of the Organisers and if necessary to expel such exhibitors or their representatives from the show area.


The Show allows Exhibitors the opportunity of gaining potential business from the visitors on the day and raising their profile. The organisers cannot be held responsible nor accept any liability whatsoever for any lack of interest in, orders for or business taken by the Exhibitor.


Any figures, statistics or numbers provided are based on past events and experience. Any visitor numbers or levels of expectations set by the Organisers are not guaranteed and The Organisers cannot be held liable for show attendance.

Your Personal Information

By using our website, promoting with us or attending one of our shows, you’re also providing us consent to use your personal information as outlined in our Privacy Policy. We will continue to send you marketing communications we feel are important and relevant to you, you can easily “unsubscribe” at anytime by clicking the link in the communication itself.

Company Information

Registered in England and Wales No. 07040197
124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX