CJW Booking CJW AUTHORISED USE Please complete this for all Bag Insert and/or Approved Exhibitors (please check availability first) Exhibitor Space Booking Brighton 2019Manchester 2019London 2019 Autumn What price was agreed: Promotional Opportunities Show bag inserts (150-200 delivered directly to the show venue) for London 2019for Manchester 2019for Brighton 2019 What price was agreed: Facebook Paid Promotion via GWS NoYes What price was agreed: Who to invoice (required) CJW or Customer: Invoice to CJWInvoice to Customer About Customer Business/Organisation Name (required): Key Contact Name (required): Contact Email (required): What products or service do they provide (required): Their Address (required): Line 1: Line 2: Town: County: Postcode: Phone: Their Website: Names of two people attending the show: Representative 1: Mobile: Representative 2: Mobile: Do they need power: NoYes Any additional information: