We just want to say THANK YOU to everyone that supported our Brighton event and all of the shows in 2019, making our “Sweet 16 Year” full of smiles, happy couples and supportive exhibitors.
This was another great year helping connect suppliers and venues that put our community and same-sex couples at the heart of what they offer.
We’ve already had lovely comments from couples who’ve found that missing something or even better a super WOW factor for their happy wedding day.
We just want to say THANK YOU to everyone that supported our Brighton event and all of the shows in 2019, making our “sweet 16 year” full of fun.
We’re looking forward to 2020 shows and taking forward our ongoing fight for Equality in the Wedding Industry to shine a light on the hidden homophobia still present to this day.
Keep an eye out for that while we continue to support same-sex and open-minded couples across the UK – #RingTheChange
Have a good rest of the year and remember you can always get in touch if you need something for your ceremony or celebration!